Value versus validation; Person value versus Utility value

Men’s ‘value’ comes from a lack of value, as to be disposable. They are readily sacrificed, women are not. In fact, men are readily sacrificed for women. This sacrificial ‘value’ comes from servitude to women and their higher value to men. What’s equal about that?

How is value defined? By one’s selfworth? By how others value you? What if others don’t value you for your sake but only for what you can do for them? And develop you to be so proud of that existence by which you learn to define yourself and your very existence?

If one person, or segment of society, is valued over another is not a second-rate value acquired by your servitude to them? This role encumbent has no value attributed to him, only by what good he can be to another given a higher rating to him?

Doesn’t this sound like slavery? Real drudgery? Women have complained of drudergy they have experienced in the past, yet they were never sacrificed but saved at the expense of men. And when women experienced any sort of hardship the men with them usually had it much worse.

Men need to be liberated from the yoke placed on them and seek to define themselves in their own right rather than by continuing a blind servitude to women sufficing for an existence defined for them to even qualify as ‘men’. Just as sleep and cattle are raised to provide meat for humans, domesticated and groomed to be fattened to someday be butchered, men too are groomed in a very similar way as a part of ‘manhood’ to serve a similar destiny for women. One of the biggest challenges for men acquiring an equal status to women is to acquire real value to their person as human beings equal to that of women. Without value men’s rights, status, etc. can be easily taken from them, especially if it’s for those granted a higher value to them. Constitutional laws are not safe-garded whiler this contrast in value is allowed. (Female registration for the draft, VAWA, Rape Shield Laws, and Title IX all attest to this.)

Does a workhorse know any life other than the one it has been groomed to accept from when a foal, especially when its parents and peers also reinforce that same life? Is someone routinely groomed to serve another and reinforced by rewards/alcalaids going to know he is second-rate? Only if he is capable of thinking for himself is he no longer proud or tolerant of having a degraded status.

Furthermore, the close to a perfect feminist world is when those deemed less valuable are also held more accountable (blameworthy) and placed as figureheads in a society built and bound to serve those granted more value (women). Men are slaves to women per a blind servitude dictated by the restraints of ‘manhood’ indoctrination allowing shaming tactics by those defining their very existence–by which they are shamed into conformity (e.g. “You’re not a man,” “You are still a boy,” “Act like a man,” “Man-up!” or “If you were a ‘real man’ you would…” Funny, isn’t it? These degrading expressions often come from women (the same one’s placed on a pedestal), who erroniously claim to be of second-class status, to force men to comply with their selfish demands and sexist expectations. How would they know what makes a man unless they know that men are sculpted to serve them and that they own their manhood per their female-defined existence?

When is a woman ever told by a man she has to ‘take it’ to be a real woman? Actor/commedian, Bob Hope when entertaining the troops in Viet Nam stated, while showing off his women entertainers he brought there ‘for the men’, that here’s a look at what you guys are fighting for. In other words, they were expendable for women. This was all but terrifying and very degrading to me as a male who had thought that my life had an equal standing to a woman’s. I recall some of the sentiments expressed by men was why not show real appreciation for us and provide women as these for us to personally have and enjoy (e.g. Rachel Welch, Ann Margaret). Again, men are disposable and to be ‘proud’ of it per a ‘manhood’ defined by their disposability and servitude to women.

No value attached to one’s person is what allows one to have sacrificial value. Like Hillary Clinton stated, the real victims of war are women who morn for their men. If that doesn’t rate men as having no value in any regard or in their own right, what could?

If women were in any way of a lower class to men, as feminists falsely claim, then why are they the ones enabled to set the terms of male servitude to women as to even define manhood? Again, value versus validation; personal value versus utility value: value as an equal human being–none.

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